Saturday, October 30, 2010


It hasn't been long since I've updated here, but it's been a while since I mentioned anything about my personal life, which isn't anything of extraordinary, but I'm excited so I'll share it.

First, the job hunt has finally come to a close. I'm working at a local supermarket, in the bakery. It's not a glorious job, but it's a job and so far I really don't mind it. The people are nice and I've enjoyed decorating cupcakes with cute little decorations on them. They really give you freedom in how to decorate them, as long as they're appealing and all. Having the three months' experience in decorating cakes (albeit two years ago) really helped in actually getting the job. I would've been in produce otherwise!

Second awesome thing is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) that begins in two days from now. I've got the book's premise planned out, and now I'm working on the written outline. Only on chapter thirteen though! I'm worried about not being prepared for it, but it's still exciting.

Thirdly, I've received all the books I ordered on Amazon a couple weeks ago. They're all on writing, four of them from Writer's Digest, and one an independent publisher. The titles are, respectively, Self-Editing for Fiction Writers (by Renni Browne & Dave King), Plot & Structure, Beginnings, Middles, & Ends, Characters & Viewpoints, and From First Draft to Finished Novel. All of these are new, but I also have a sixth book about writing that I've had for six years and only recently started to read (half done now, as we speak), called On Writing by Stephen King. Everyone has been talking about it, authors have suggested it to me and I've heard nothing but good feedback from it. And now that I read it, it is every bit what they say. I highly recommend it. Doesn't matter your skill level. Pick up the book. Read it. Now.

Fourthly, I've switched my degrees from Graphic Design to Web Design. All the classes I took will transfer into Web Design, and the course schedule only changes after next summer. So I don't waste time or money with this transfer. I'm definitely more interested in it as well. If I can get good at Web Design, you can bet that there will be an official site for my stories and art.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to see about getting that book! :O

    Wow, switching degrees must be stressful! :O But it's really great your classes all transferred over to something you think you'll enjoy more! Awesome, and good luck! :D
